Art » Art


Welcome to SEFE Art!

My mission is to inspire a lifelong love of art while nurturing each child’s curiosity and creativity.  I strive to create a curriculum that integrates creative expression, cultural and historical heritage, artistic perception, art history, and art criticism. Studio art explores all types of media with emphasis on ceramics, painting, drawing, printmaking, and sculpture.

I am so proud of the creativity and efforts made by my students! I continuously display artwork throughout the walls of Southeast Fountain throughout the school year.  Virtual Art galleries and photographs of student art are occasionally posted on social media as well.  I am so pleased to present two art shows each year to exhibit the hard work of my artists.  The art shows are held in the SEFE cafeteria on the same nights as the music programs.  First, Third and Fifth grade artists are showcased along with the Christmas program while the Kindergarten, Second, and Fourth grades are displayed along with the Spring program.  As a special bonus, Fifth grade artists have an encore show with the Spring program.  The Fourth and Fifth grade artwork is judged by Fountain Central High School Art Club members and certificates are funded by the Fountain County Art Council.  

Each year, the artists at Southeast Fountain participate in the Art to Remember program.  This is a very special fundraiser for the art department here at the elementary school.  Parents, guardians, and other loved ones get the unique opportunity to purchase a variety of items with their artist’s masterpiece work of art on it!  This fundraiser usually takes place in the Spring.  For more information, please visit our custom webpage at

Thank you for supporting the Southeast Fountain Elementary Art Department!

Keep Creating,

Mrs. Gregory

Art Club
 Art Club is open to all 4th & 5th grade students who love to draw, doodle, sculpt or just create things. It is an excellent opportunity to nurture and grow your artistic talent and skills! Our meetings are Tuesdays after school until 4:30.
                                                             Meeting Dates:
                                                    Sept. 3rd, 10th, 17th, 24th
                                                                   Oct. 1st, 8th, 15th, 22nd & 29th
                                                                   Nov. 5th & 12th